My educational background is in social work, which has led to working in a diverse range of positions across Government, non-Government and the private sector. I have had opportunities working with vulnerable families across a continuum, which includes early intervention programs to prevent families entering the child protection system, working with families where the children are at risk of entering care, working with individuals and families with disabilities and/or behavioural issues, as well as working with young offenders and their families.
In my role, I oversee all the programs under the preservation banner, which include AOD services, Brighter Futures, Family Preservation Program, Going Home Staying Home and MST-CAN. I come to this role due to my experience working in Evidence Based Programs (EBP). I believe that EBP’s are integral to ensuring sustainable positive change in our work with vulnerable families and communities. I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of an Aboriginal organisation that works tirelessly to improve outcomes for Aboriginal children and their families. I am also excited to work with a suite of programs that will contribute to research and build an evidence base for culturally appropriate programs.