Brighter Futures

Brighter Futures is a voluntary program that works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families with at least one child in the home aged 0-8 years who are considered to be at risk of significant harm. Caseworkers provide weekly home visiting to achieve goals that support the healthy development and growth of their children. The team offers the SafeCare Parenting Program, which supports families to practice skills in three modules: Health, Home Safety and Parent/Child Interaction. Referrals to Brighter Futures can be self referral, community and the Department of Communities and Justice, where there are identified concerns of domestic violence, parental substance use, child neglect, parental mental health concerns, or parents with an intellectual disability.
- Contact Person: Jess Dormand
- Telephone: (02) 4957 5900
- Email:
- Address: 116 Lake Road Elermore Vale NSW 2287