Vision, Mission and Values
To offer Culturally appropriate services that support, nurture and empower our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
Wandiyali will provide the best possible support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who access our services.
We will do this by:
- Working with other services and agencies collaboratively to meet the needs of our clients.
- Striving to ensure that all of our children and young people are in a caring and secure environment with their own mob and culture whenever it is possible.
- Providing support and care during difficult times of upheaval, homelessness, family crisis and stress while respecting the clients need for space and privacy.
- Working together as a team to support each other.
- Updating our knowledge and skills.
- Consulting clients, families, children, and young people about decisions that affect them and for their opinions to be heard on these issues.
- Being fair and non-judgemental, allowing all involved parties to present their point of view.
- Being sensitive to gender, cultural and religious beliefs, sexual preference, disability, and other special needs.
- Using preventative strategies and responding to client needs as early as possible.
- Ensuring clients, children / young people (where possible and appropriate) and their families are consulted and involved in casework decisions which affect them.
- Supporting other service providers through community liaison, education, and networking.
- Assisting our carers and families to become confident and knowledgeable parents/carers by passing on skills and information in a relaxed and culturally appropriate manner.
- Liaising on behalf of our people whenever referral to another service is necessary.
- Assisting our people by offering culturally appropriate support and mentoring.
- mpathy, towards our clients and colleagues
- aintain cultural identity
- rotect the most vulnerable in our community
- wnership of our actions and words
- ork positively as a team to support each other and our community
- xcellence pursued in everything we do
- espect to our clients, each other, community, and Elders past, present and emerging